Who the Heck is the Math Specialist?

Well, of course, my name is Lori Breyfogle. I wouldn’t say that I’m really into astrology, but I am for sure a Pisces. No matter where I travel I am drawn to the water and all things creative. I love to doodle, hand letter, listen to the Beatles, and decorate sugar cookies. Of course I wouldn’t ever be happy just using math lessons from a series [that totally don’t fit the needs of every student.] I love designing creative and effective math lessons and interventions.

I mentioned that I travel. It’s really more of a growing obsession at this point. I’ve been to 22  states and 10 countries…and I am just getting started. One of the best things about traveling is meeting new people. All of my travel companions laugh about how often they find me chatting with complete strangers; asking for suggestions, learning about them, sharing my own experience, or even giving directions [comical because I get lost all of the time at home.]

Over 20 years ago, I began my adventure in education. I was a preschool teacher for many years, a teacher trainer, and curriculum coordinator. I found myself ready for a change and transitioned into elementary education. Some principals reached out to me about a newly created position as a math specialist. The position was nothing more than a title when I started- zero structure, materials, or specific goals in place. Now that’s a story on its own! After my first year, I was struggling to find a masters degree program that was a good fit for me. By reaching out for help from experts, I found an amazing elementary math specialist certification program. It was as if it was meant to be all along and I’ve never turned back!

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Hi! I'm Lori

I help elementary teachers believe that they really are a math person. I live in St. Louis, Missouri with my spoiled dog Max. Nothing makes me more excited than to grab a hot cup of tea and take off on a travel adventure. 

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