The Moment That it All Changed

After a couple of years of working as a math specialist, I found my tribe on Twitter [still refuse to call it X] By clicking on posts I found interesting, one leading to the next and I found my people, including Robert Kaplinsky, who I dubbed Robby K. I must

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Wasn’t Easy for Me at First

Most teacher’s stories don’t start this way, but I never wanted to be a teacher. Sure, I played school with friends, but even as a kid I knew how intense it was to be a teacher. No matter what job I had, I always ended up training or coaching. I

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Who the Heck is the Math Specialist?

Well, of course, my name is Lori Breyfogle. I wouldn’t say that I’m really into astrology, but I am for sure a Pisces. No matter where I travel I am drawn to the water and all things creative. I love to doodle, hand letter, listen to the Beatles, and decorate

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Hi! I'm Lori

I help elementary teachers believe that they really are a math person. I live in St. Louis, Missouri with my spoiled dog Max. Nothing makes me more excited than to grab a hot cup of tea and take off on a travel adventure. 

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