Category: Uncategorized
The Moment That it All Changed
After a couple of years of working as a math specialist, I found my tribe on Twitter [still refuse to call it X] By clicking on posts I found interesting, one leading to the next and I found my people, including Robert Kaplinsky, who I dubbed Robby K. I must have sounded like a total… Read more
Wasn’t Easy for Me at First
Most teacher’s stories don’t start this way, but I never wanted to be a teacher. Sure, I played school with friends, but even as a kid I knew how intense it was to be a teacher. No matter what job I had, I always ended up training or coaching. I didn’t even see it for… Read more
Who the Heck is the Math Specialist?
Well, of course, my name is Lori Breyfogle. I wouldn’t say that I’m really into astrology, but I am for sure a Pisces. No matter where I travel I am drawn to the water and all things creative. I love to doodle, hand letter, listen to the Beatles, and decorate sugar cookies. Of course I… Read more
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! Read more